Thinking of skipping gym today? Read on…

There is no excuse to exercise if one wants to get in shape. Exercise session skipped once will make one feel skipping again to seem normal which will easily make one fall prey to the negative sphere of laziness and quit gym eventually without achieving the desired goal.

One is capable of bearing 100 times more pain; all one needs is love for self and an inner voice that says, “This pain is nothing, you have experienced much more pain in life and are capable of bearing 100 times more. You have got it in you, show yourself the power of you!” Self love dissolves pain and makes one more resilient.

Exercising in gym is a test of one’s resilience and ability to fight pain and the result of passing this test is a toned and fit body. Just imagine the perfect picture of yourself and always remember that this is possible, all you need is self love and inner self motivational voice to dissolve the pain.

There are many who are spending 1000s of dollars on hospital bills and medicines. The side effects of the medicines is not only eating up the money but is doing some serious permanent damage to one’s health. Realizing the seriousness of exercising and keeping up with the routine is the need of the hour. Any form of an hour of exercise is a must; be it gym, home exercises or a walk.

Love the pain. Pain is good, it builds resilience.