Parenting – Working Mom

8 – 9 Dec. 2018 Weekend

Kids are pure genius, full of creativity. I harness my creativity from my kid’s pure creative ideas. A weekend well spent – all the leisure time purely dedicated to the kid ignites the spark of parental bond in you. She said, ” I love you, Mommy” ,  ” I love you, Daddy” more than ever. Just a realization of the fact kids yearn for our love and care and making them feel that we are there for them, and we love them will make them bloom and blossom into the creative best version of themselves!


We spent shopping time together, I bought few formal dresses. Just visiting a shopping mall and observing the fashion trends, fashion styles that are most commonly used by people  and visualizing self in those clothes and accessories boosts the confidence to get in shape and look your best! I bought 2 formal shoes as well!

It is an old saying , how you dress makes half the impression of your personality! Yup, dressing sense matters !

And then, we spent some time buying some toys and teaching items like phonics flash cards, manuscript writing sticker – dry erase for my kid. All we could think after reaching home was to have a quick dinner – Dosa chutney and hit the bed!


What a wonderful day it was! I dedicated the whole day to my kid, read books to her, played cooking set with her, played Blocks with her, watched videos with moral stories and explained to her, sang lullaby for her to help her take the afternoon nap! It is simply amazing how the parental bond forms with the pinch of pure love which takes the form of an ocean of blissfulness 🙂

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